Currently Published
Patel RR, Noshchenko A, Dana Carpenter R, et al. Evaluation and Prediction of Human Lumbar Vertebrae Endplate Mechanical Properties Using Indentation and Computed Tomography. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2018;140.
Ahn H*, Patel RR*, Hoyt AJ, et al. Biological evaluation and finite-element modeling of porous poly(para-phenylene) for orthopaedic implants. Acta biomaterialia. 2018;72:352-361.
Collins DA, Yakacki CM, Lightbody D, Patel RR, Frick CP. Shape-memory behavior of high-strength amorphous thermoplastic poly(para-phenylene). Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016;133(3).
Sabina U, Traugutt N, Volpe R, Patel, RR., Yu K, Yakacki C. Liquid Crystal Elastomers: An Introduction and Review of Emerging Technologies. Liquid Crystals Reviews. 6:1, 78-107
In Press
Terrill PK*, Patel RR*, Pacaccio DJ, Carpenter RD, Yakacki CM. Comparison of Titanium, Pseudoelastic, and Carbon-Fiber Composite Intramedullary Nails using a Patient-Specific Finite-Element Model for Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion. Submission pending
*Indicates equal contribution